Web App Development

BEATS Internal News Site

St John Ambulance Australia have over 1,500 paid employees and over 9,140 volunteers. In 2019 Diviv helped their corporate communications team by creating Beats, a scalable communications platform to engage their workforce.

Discover what else St John is up to by visiting their website:

The Problem

St John were sending out a bi-monthly newsletter to their 5000 fulltime and volunteer employees. This required lengthy editorial time working through the staff generated news stories communicated over email not to mention the production costs of designing a layout which was then delivered in a PDF format.

Based on email analytics their engagement levels were extremely low, it was clear the corporate communications team required a simpler way to reach their staff and one that didn’t require the same time costs as the PDF and email solution.

The Solution

Our team presented the idea of using a web application / microsite to present their bi-monthly newsletter releases allowing the use of multimedia (Video, Audio, Podcasts etc.). Our creative team suggested the use of a news upload form which automatically put news items into a draft format along with required fields ready for easy editorial modification and approval.

Diviv also built a managerial preview which allows bi-monthly releases to be reviewed and approved before the next release was published. Our team also used category tagging and built custom personalised suggestions based on any of the articles being viewed and presented them in the right-hand margin for ease of navigation.

Oh, that feeling you get when you interact with a great digital product!
We have been working with Diviv for around 4 months now and have been very pleased with how they operate. Biggest task to date has been a new brand campaign which meant a new look website. The guys delivered on time and on budget which is what you need when the pressure is on. We hope to continue to work with them for many more years.